I was born a traveler. My passion for exploring the unknown has led me to scuba diving and eventually, through many beautiful places around the globe, to Bali. Originally from Slovakia, I have found a second home here in Padangbai, Bali, where I moved with my beautiful wife Elenka in 2009. Together with our business partner and friend, Radka from Czech republic, we own and run OK Divers Resort & Spa, a cozy resort on the east coast of Bali.

The resort features a PADI 5-star dive center, a hotel with restaurant and a spa. While the dive center has been in operation for almost 15 years, the hotel opened quite recently, in summer 2015. It offers comfortable accommodation in 30 rooms and suites decorated in a rustic style, two swimming pools, massage and spa center and the aforementioned restaurant. Our dive center is an integral part of the resort, catering to divers from all over the world. We are lucky to have a young international team of dedicated instructors and dive masters, who share our values and passion for diving.

We have put a lot of love and energy into building our resort to what it is today – a place with unique atmosphere, where warm welcome, friendly approach and quality service are not just a phrase. Our mission is to ensure the comfort of diving and non-diving guests alike. Since we are ocean lovers, we have put a number of eco initiatives in place, trying to minimize our resort’s foot print on the environment and set an example to the local community and visitors. In addition to recycling water with our special filtration system and using eco-cleaning products wherever possible, our resort restaurant does not provide plastic straws nor do we serve fish and seafood. Even though the latter might not seem as the best business decision, and numerous restaurant owners advised against it, as passionate scuba divers we stand our ground. We simply cannot go on a dive and admire the beautiful underwater creatures, and then have them grilled for dinner a couple of hours later. We love the ocean with all our hearts, and hope to contribute as much as we can into saving this precious world.

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